
Brocklewood Primary and Nursery School

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.

British Values

As well as teaching our school values, Brocklewood Primary School promotes the British Values as set our in the National Curriculum (2014). Here is an overview of how we integrate the British Values into our curriculum.



  • Election of School Parliament and Learning Council members.
  • British Law process – visits to Law Courts and Galleries of Justice.
  • Choice of topics.
  • Everyone is listened to.



  • Equality policy.
  • Accessibility plans.
  • SEN focus.
  • Celebrating multi-faith festivals.


Rule of Law:

  • Understanding of our school rules.
  • School behaviour policy
  • Links with local PCSOs
  • Assemblies with citizenship focus.


Mutual Respect:

  • Assemblies.
  • PHSE & SEAL.
  • Anti-bullying weeks.
  • Class sports.
  • School vision and culture.


Individual Liberty:

  • Opportunities to make choices.
  • Opportunities to express opinions.
  • Weekly oracy assemblies.