
Brocklewood Primary and Nursery School

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.


The role of the school governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to your local community.  School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school’s aims and policies.

All governors attend 2 governors meetings per term- one business meeting and one standards meeting. Please see further below who our governors are. 


Transform Trust Governance Structure

For the declaration of interests and governors attendance information please visit the link below;


The Chair of Governors, Francesca Huskisson-Moore, can be contacted at the school address:


Mrs Francesca Huskisson-Moore,

Brocklewood Primary School,

Fircroft Avenue,





Alternatively, you can email: and we will forward this on to Francesca . 

Meet the Governors;


Francesca Huskisson-Moore - Chair of Governors

Lucy Cassidy - Vice Chair of Governors 

Blossom Stephens - Safeguarding Governor 

Heather Tarrant - Headteacher 

Sally Overton - Deputy Headteacher / Staff Governor

Aaron Bird - Trust Governor 

Tanya White - SEND Governor 

Marie Davidson - Parent Governor 



